2024-01-25 01:57:44 | 宏博教育网
3.转折----个人的努力或者借助外界的力量,使事情发生转折。 宏博教育网
1. a flush of(表情绪的名词)= a wave of = a feeling/sense of 一阵……
2. joy/excitement/pride/anger/rage/panic/terror/sorrow/sadness/grief/embarrassment/dispointment/guilt/shame
3.(表情绪的名词)flooded over sb. =swept over sb.
1. It suddenly occurred to sb. that从句=It hit sb. that从句=It struck sb. that从句=It dawned on sb. that从句
2. (idea, thought...) occurred/came to sb.=...came/flashed into one’s mind=...crowded in one’s mind
1. 倒装句:Not until时间状语did sb. realize/notice that从句
2. 强调句:It was only时间状语that sb. realized that从句
2023高考英语读后续写范文有哪些I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer. My head span dizzily as if the world swirled. At my wit's end, I felt a stab of fear. (“我”的情绪:慌张、无奈)“Don't panic! Papa, Papa, we need your help," Jason exclaimed. In time over came my father.(借助外界帮助)He embraced my neck and pulled back with strength while Jason pinned/pressed down the pumpkin.(一系列动作描写)It didn't work, though. (问题未解决)“Why not tear the pumpkin directly?" suddenly rang out mother's voice. ( 新 想 法 ) In a split second, a creak broke out overhead, followed by a ray of light, which I seemingly hadn't seen for ages. (问题得到解决)But what did I see? My mother was filming all the way. (衔接句)
That video was posted online the Monday before Halloween. To my surprise, soon my video was followed by a sea of likes, my mailbox flooded with similar stories. (衔接句)My big red nose and my sore chin became netizens' favorite topic. A little embarrassed as I was, a wave of warmth welled up inside. (细节描写之我的心情)Then a good idea flashed across my mind. (想法)“Isn't it a good idea to share stories online to choose the funniest? " I told Jason, jumping with joy.(做法,为结局做铺垫)“Amazing! Let's call it Pumpkin's Competition. "Jason giggled. (Jason的反应,照应开头)
1. A lump came to his throat.
2. Her eyes were red from crying.
3. Her eyes brimmed with tears.
4. Tears coursed/trickled/streamed/ran down her cheeks.
1. She was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.
2. His heart was pounding, as if he were frightened.
3. Liza was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound.
4. I bowed my head timidly and dared not look at my father's cloudy face.
5. My brain is blank. I just want to leave this horrible place.
1. When she knew. . .she felt excited/thrilled.
2. When she knew. . .her eyes twinkled with excitement.
3. When she knew. . . her heart was pounding with wild joy.
4. When she knew. . .a wild excitement took hold of her.
5. Knowing...she felt a surge of excitement.
1. A sadness came over her.
2. Her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.
3. Numb with grief, she became speechless.
4. Feeling a surge of sadness, she couldn't help crying bitterly.
5. Sadness surging within her, she burst into tears.
1. Sam stood rooted to the spot, his eyes blazing with anger.
2. He felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.
3. Boiling with rage, he shook his fist at me.
4. Filled with fury, she was unable to utter a single word.
2023新高考英语读后续写的万能句子有:From then on, I would try my best to help sb. like sb. Only in this way could more and more people help eachother in the future.
1. a flush of(表情绪的名词)= a wave of = a feeling/sense of 一阵……
3.(表情绪的名词)flooded over sb. =swept over sb.
1. It suddenly occurred to sb. that从句=It hit sb. that从句=It struck sb. that从句=It dawned on sb. that从句
2. (idea, thought...) occurred/came to sb.=...came/flashed into one’s mind=...crowded in one’s mind
1. 倒装句:Not until时间状语did sb. realize/notice that从句
2. 强调句:It was only时间状语that sb. realized that从句
2023新高考读后续写英语万能金句1. From that day on, every time I meet someone who needs help, I always reach out to them, hoping to pass on the
kindness that the Mexican family offered me.
2. From then on, I made up my mind to pass on “love” to others. Just as a saying goes: “Rose given and fragrance
in hands. ”
3. From then on , Bernard made up his mind to help someone who needs help. Only in this way, could more and
more people help each ot从那时起,伯纳德就决定去帮助那些需要帮助的人。只有这样,将来才能有越来越多的人互相帮助。
以上就是宏博教育网为大家带来的2023新高考英语读后续写万能句子 有哪些套用金句,希望能帮助到大家!历年高考优秀英语作文范文三篇(浙江卷) 【导语】锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。备考也需要这样持之以恒的精神。为您提供历年高考优秀英语作文范文,巩固所学知识并灵活运用,考试时会更得心应手,快来看看吧! 【篇一】历年高考优秀英语作文范文三篇 假定你是高中生李岳,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写(scribble)和乱丢垃圾(litter)的行为,请用英文给校长写封信;1.说明写信
高考英语阅读文章 阅读是人们获取信息的重要途径。对于我国中学英语教学来说,阅读始终为中学英语教学的关键组成部分,而高考英语是中学英语教学中非常关键的组成部分。下面就是我给大家整理的高考英语阅读文章,希望大家喜欢。 高考英语阅读文章篇一:交友 Manyofusmistakenlybelievethatit'swrongtothinkwehaveanygoodqualities.Wemays
2022高考努力拼搏的励志的句子2022继续努力加油的励志句子(精选65句) 高考努力拼搏的励志的句子1、今日不肯低头,明日何以抬头? 2、成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。 3、祸兮,福之所倚;福兮,锅之所伏。 4、我成功因为我努力,我努力因为我自信。 5、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 6、没有斗狼的胆量,就不要牧羊。 7、
2024年励志语录 1、找准属于自己的道路,踏踏实实干适合自己的事,充分发挥自己的优势,不管别人怎样对你,都不要看轻自己。 2、不要在该奋斗的年纪去选择偷懒,只有度过了一段连自己都被感动了的日子,才会变成那个最好的自己。 3、做自己热爱的事情,不要为他人的眼光而改变。每个人都有自己的特点和价值,不要让别人的评价左右自己的选择。相信自己,坚持自己的梦想,你会过上与众不同的人生。 4
2023高考必胜励志语 2023高考必胜励志语如下: 1、高考加油!亲爱的朋友,平和一自己的心态,控制自己的情绪,以平常心态应考,考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔! 2、高考!承载着太多渴望与期盼,但它不是终点,而是人生新的起点,跨进门槛的并不意味一生成功,落榜的人,也不注定永世的失败。冲刺吧! 3、喜鹊枝头喳喳叫,喜讯传来乐淘陶。群芳竞秀艺超群,金
2022高考努力拼搏的励志的句子2022继续努力加油的励志句子(精选65句) 高考努力拼搏的励志的句子1、今日不肯低头,明日何以抬头? 2、成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。 3、祸兮,福之所倚;福兮,锅之所伏。 4、我成功因为我努力,我努力因为我自信。 5、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 6、没有斗狼的胆量,就不要牧羊。 7、
2023高考英语读后续写万能模板金句参考模板汇总 2023高考英语读后续写大部分都是围绕conflict和solution来运转的,首先力争读懂原文,找出记叙文的几要素,找到故事情节中到底有什么冲突或问题。然后读懂需要续写的两段的首句,根据首句推测故事发展的走向和两段的大致内容。 2023高考英语读后续写范文有哪些 Iwasstuckforfiveorsixminutesthough
高考前鼓励孩子加油的暖心句子100句_高考升学网 送孩子高考加油鼓励句子1 1、当全世界都说在放弃时,告诉自己再试一次。 2、每一块美玉都离不开雕琢,每一个成功都离不开磨练。 3、看淡一切,从头开始。 4、只有不努力的学生,没有读不了书的学生。 5、不想一辈子为别人提鞋,就努力学习。 6、站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。 7、模拟的成绩一定不要成为包袱,成为阴影
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